Ghashful Head office visited by Admin Cadres

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On September 2nd, 2020, a delegation from the 69th Basic Training Course conducted at the Bangladesh Public Administration Center visited Ghasful. During the visit, the trainees were made aware of the challenges of implementing on going programs and development sector of Ghashful. They thanked the official of Ghashful for their amazing and relevant development activities. Among the visitors there was Asst. Trainee Commissioner Humaira Sultana, Aqib Osman, Shahadath Hossain, Nasreen Sultana, Lailatul Hossain, Mohd. Rifatul Huq, Mahmudul Hasan Russel, Mohd. Borhanuddin Mithu, Mohd. Jobayer Habib, Mohd. Toki Faisal Talukder, Mohd. Jahidul Islam, Kishore Kumar Das, Obaidur Rahman Sohel, Abdullah Khairul Islam, Mohd. Imamul  Hafiz Nadim, Marzan Hossain, Asst. Police Super A K M Asif Ud Dowla,  Chowdhury Mohd. Tanveer, Abdullah Al Noman. During the visit Aftabur Rahman Jafree, CEO of Ghashful gave a welcoming speech. Syed Lutful Kabir- Deputy Director Microfinance and financial Inclusion of Ghasfhul did a digital presentation on organization’s various activities. Deputy Director of Admin and HR Mofizur Rahman , Deputy Director and Head of Finance Maruful Karim Chowdhury, Asst. Director  of Finance Smriti Chowdhury, Deputy Director of  MIS Mohd. Abu Zafor Sardar, Trainer of Second Chance Education project Zobaidur Rashid , Field Coordinator Sirajul Islam , Manager Admin Syed Mamunur Rashid and many other employees were present during the visit.