Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)
The “Rural Micro Enterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)” funded by Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Partner Organization Ghashful is working to extend the financial services to microenterprises as well as to improve the income, food security, and nutrition status of small and marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, and other market actors involved in the value chain of Poultry through a sub-project name “Safe Poultry and Poultry Products Market Development” in five upazilas of Naogaon District which are Naogaon Sadar, Manda, Patnitala, Badalgachi, and Mohadebpur.
The project started on 21 August, 2022 with three years duration is implementing value chain development activities to expand the markets for comparative advantage, market demand, and growth of agro-based products. There are provisions for product processing, certification, and marketing by brand image creation in the country and abroad through this project.
The project’s goal is “to sustainably increase the income, food security and nutrition of marginal and small farmers, and micro-entrepreneurs across selected value chains.” The objective is “the sustainable growth of selected rural commodity value chains with comparative advantage, market demand, growth potential, and backward linkages to small farmers and micro-entrepreneurs.”
The project interventions primarily target (i) the poor, (ii) the transitional poor, and (iii) the enterprising poor. An estimated 10,000 households will be direct participants of the project, of which 400 are Local Service Providers (LSP) and the other 9,600 will benefit from value chain development activities.
Through this project 5600 chicken and 4000 duck farmers will get training on safe poultry farming. They will be encouraged to adopt safe farming practices by reducing use of low-quality feeds, antibiotics, use of high-quality DOCs (Sonali, BAU-Bro Color, MCTC, Pekin and Muscovi), maintaining biosecurity and G-GAP (Global Good Agricultural Practices) at their farm. The forward market actors of poultry market will also be guided to adopt modern technologies to uphold the product with quality and brand image. For example, development of smart egg shop, egg washing hub, meat processing plant, hygiene and halal poultry chain shop etc. will also be developed to create market demand of farmer’s products.
On the other hand, to recycle the bio-waste at rural area vermi-compost, tricho-compost, fortified-compost production will be ensured by the project which will not only help to keep the environment clean but also reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizer and improve soil health for quality crop production. It is expected that the project will be a landmark for the development of small to big entrepreneurs as well as for the farmers engaged in poultry sector.