Strengthening Household Opportunity for Women in Bangladesh to Organize Gardening for Health” (SHOBOGH) Project
As a part of follow up co-operation program for JICA Ex-participant on training course on “Rural Women Empowerment-II” both JICA-BD & Ghashful has signed an agreement on “Strengthening Household Opportunity for Women in Bangladesh to Organize Gardening for Health” (SHOBOGH Project) for women entrepreneurship. The project had been implemented in two parts: 1st part from March 12 to March 26, 2006 and 2nd part started from 2nd July 2006 and continued till 22nd March 2007 at Patya and Hathazari Upazilla.
The main focus of the project was to develop homestead gardening as a tool of poverty reduction and improve the socioeconomic condition of the rural women through increasing women’s participation in income generating activities as well as raising the nutrition level of each household. The overall objective of the project is to increase both nutrition and income level of the family households of the rural area.
Key activities of the Project:
- Enhanced role of women in agriculture
- Awareness Campaign on OVOP (One Village One Product)
- Supply of seeds and other equipment
- Seed Preservation
- Sales & Marketing of Vegetables
- Savings Group formation meeting
- Gender Mainstreaming Workshop
- Training on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
- Training on Vegetable Cultivation & Seed Preservation
- Training on Leadership & Management
- Training on Basic Book-keeping & Financial Management
- Exchange Visit